I was looking for a way to shutdown my EC2 instances when not in use. The scenario is that when I’m done for the day and I forget to shutdown, I want it to be done for me.

Forgetting to shutdown a t2.micro isn’t a big deal, but larger instances cost more and it just doesn’t seem efficient to run something when you’re not using it.

The Options

On investigation, I found two options:

Use CloudWatch

CloudWatch is AWS’s monitoring service. They actually recommend it for the usecase of shutting down servers, saying:

If you (or your developers) are forgetful, you can detect unused EC2 instances and shut them down.

The CloudWatch method relies on monitoring some metric like network data or CPU load. I think this is fine, and has the benefit of being easy to set up in the AWS console.

I wanted to be able to use other providers, like Linode or Digital Ocean, so I was looking for a more generic solution based on SSH connection.

This post on StackExchange by Fernando Correia was just what I was looking for.

Note that the script requires netstat from net-tools. net-tools is installed in the below role tasks. This is the script:

# Shuts down the host on inactivity.
# Designed to be executed as root from a cron job.
# It will power off on the 2nd consecutive run without an active ssh session.
# That prevents an undesirable shutdown when the machine was just started, or on a brief disconnect.
# To enable, add this entry to /etc/crontab:
# */5 *   * * *   root    /home/ubuntu/dotfiles/bin/shutdown-if-inactive
set -o nounset -o errexit -o pipefail


STATUS=$(netstat | grep ssh | grep ESTABLISHED &>/dev/null && echo active || echo inactive)

if [ "$STATUS" == "inactive" ]; then
  if [ -f "$MARKER_FILE" ]; then
    echo "Powering off due to ssh inactivity."
    poweroff  # See https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/196014/56711
    # Create a marker file so that it will shut down if still inactive on the next time this script runs.
    touch "$MARKER_FILE"
  # Delete marker file if it exists
  rm --force "$MARKER_FILE"

To add this to my EC2 instances, I created a new role, “auto-shutdown”. The directory looks like this:

├── defaults
│   └── main.yml
├── files
│   └── shutdown-if-inactive
└── tasks
    └── main.yml


auto_shutdown_cron_minutes_entry: "*/30"


Contains the above script.


- name: Install net-tools for netstat
    pkg: net-tools
    state: present

- name: Create scripts directory
    path: /home/ubuntu/.scripts
    state: directory
    mode: 0755
    owner: ubuntu
    group: ubuntu

- name: Copy shutdown-if-inactive script
    src: ./files/shutdown-if-inactive
    dest: /home/ubuntu/.scripts/shutdown-if-inactive
    owner: ubuntu
    group: ubuntu
    mode: 0744

- name: Create cronjob to call shutdown-if-inactive
  become: yes
  become_user: root
    name: shutdown-if-inactive
    user: root
    minute: "{{ auto_shutdown_cron_minutes_entry }}"
    job: "/home/ubuntu/.scripts/shutdown-if-inactive"

The scripts creation directory kind of doesn’t belong here - it might need to be used by another role. But if that occurs, I will pull it out into its own task or role.

Disconnect SSH on Inactivity

One last thing I wanted to do it shut off SSH automatically after a time limit on my local machine. This step is optional. I tend to leave terminal windows open, but if I leave my computer for some time, I’m probably not coming back for a while.

The Typical Setup

Normal SSH behavior is for you to be logged out on when your SSH connection is idle. I had altered my ~/.ssh/config globally like this:

Host *
    TCPKeepAlive yes
    ServerAliveInterval 60

This sends messages to the server to prevent a logout. I’ve also configured /etc/ssh/sshd_config with something like:

ClientAliveInterval 60
ClientAliveCountMax 5

These settings are the opposite of what I want for throwaway test servers that might incur some large costs! I figured I just needed to make some adjustments.

However, I couldn’t seem to get any combination of settings (I tried some others as well, such as the ~/.ssh/config setting ServerAliveCountMax) to work correctly!

Running ssh myhost -vvv told me that I still was getting repeated keep alive messages. After some searching, I came across this AskUbuntu post by Doug Smythies. It turns out the behavior changed from OpenSSH 7-ish to 8-ish.

So, a simpler approach, and what I chose to implement, is simply setting TMOUT=300 in /etc/profile on the remote server. I thought this solution was particularly good because it’s simple and easy to set.

There are some caveats to using this.

- name: Log out of server on idle
  tags: ['never', 'create','update']
    - name: Update /etc/profile
        path: /etc/profile
        line: export TMOUT={{ bash_profile_logout_seconds }}
        state: present


I was happy that this simple setup works perfectly! My instance shut off while I was writing this article, which led me to also lengthen the shutoff time and put it in a variable as seen in the above role.

And one new problem

When you shut down and then boot an EC2 instance the IP address changes.

My EC2 role adds an entry to my local ~/.ssh/config for seamless SSH-ing to the EC2 instance. With my shutdown script operating, that means that my ~/.ssh/config will be out of date every time I reboot my instance.

My next step will be creating a script to look up the IP address of my instance, based on the instance ID, then use it to dynamically get the IP address.